TLJ: You won’t let her go

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You growl again. Even if she managed to turn Ren back to the light side and defeat or escape Snoke, how do they get away from an immense star fleet without getting taken down on the way out? She is acting bluntly, which is sometimes admirable and sometimes stupid. You make sure that she understands which type of blunt you are talking about.

“Okay, let’s do nothing. Now what? We go back to the resistance with nothing and flee with them? Or do we go back to cry on Skywalker’s lap on Anch-To?” She asks sarcastically.

Well, these options won’t get you anywhere, but at lest they won’t lead you to an immediate death.

“Chewie, I’m tired of this bickering. I’m going to save Kylo Ren, and as your captain I order you to step aside.” She says in a sprout of anger.

How dare she! Han was the captain, but he never used his status to make you do anything. It is the same thing with Rey. She has no power on you, and you have no power on her. Moreover, you really want to shove in her face how an obedient whore she is when your dick is at stakes. As opposed to her, you never screamed out that you were her slut and that you would do anything she asked you! It’s outrageous!

What happens next?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

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