TLJ: Give Me Everything (Rey Refuses)

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With Kylo Ren dead, and Rey refusing to submit to you, your mood turns for the worse. Rey now panicking even more than before as her only hope is snuffed out with Ren's death, combined with dread for the punishment in store for her for refusing you. Leaning closer to look her straight in the eye, you extend your hand to cradle her cheek as tears stream down her face and wipe them away with your thumb, her body trembling at your touch in fear and resistance to the Force binding her in place, but to no avail. "Don't touch me..!" She barks out, her voice breaking as fear begins to overwhelm her--the brave facade beginning to fade as all hope is lost for her.

Telling them to proceed with the destruction of the Resistance, much to Rey's internal protest, you decide how to proceed.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Supreme Leader Snoke
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

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