TLJ: I Cannot Be Betrayed

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Kylo Ren freezes in place as he looks at the kneeling Rey. Prodding into his mind, you sense something out of place. Within the confines of his newfound resolve and strength, you sense the source of where these things originate from. And with it, his intent to betray you. Kylo's gaze frantically lifts upwards to look at you, as he feels you prod through his mind, and realizes that you know what he plans to do. Panicking, he Force pulls his lightsaber from the ground and augments himself with the Force, leaping upwards into the air as he descends down upon you, looking to strike downward at you. Anticipating any signs of betrayal in advance to this meeting, you were prepared for this.

As the lightsaber comes plummeting down towards you, you simply extend your hand and bind him in place with the Force in mid-air. His movements coming to a complete halt, he simply stays there, levitating with his lightsaber primed to strike you. Laughing at this poor attempt to betray you, you slowly rise from your throne and walk forward to look up at him. His eyes dart left and right as he tries to break free, desperately trying to escape. While he's stronger than Rey, with your mastery of the Dark Side and years of experience, you easily circumvent his defenses and keep him bound. "Master of the Knights of Ren. Attempting to betray me."

Shaking your head, you sigh. "Young fool. Once again, you've failed. Just as you failed when you were bested by this girl who had never held a lightsaber. I knew you would try to betray me. Your usefulness has come to an end. But of course, you knew this. Thus prompting this pathetic attempt to betray me. But you didn't anticipate my change of plans from a simple execution, which rendered your plan obsolete. I knew you were no Vader."

Now, what to do with him?

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Supreme Leader Snoke
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

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