TOR: Unfamiliarity

From Create Your Own Story

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No, you do not recognize his aura -- although you do sense his untapped potential and power in the Force, far exceeding that of an average Padawan. Realizing that his movements have come to a halt as the sound of his footsteps cease, your eyes flutter open as you speak in the same calm, serene manner you used when you spoke over the holotranciever. "Welcome, Padawan. The temple is already buzzing with accounts of your heroism in the training grounds."

Rising to your feet, you tilt your head up to look at him properly without the blue distortion of the holotransmission. He's relatively young, probably no more than in his early twenties. After a careful study of his facial features, you admit internally to yourself that he is quite handsome and attractive. Putting any base impulses aside and ignoring the thought, you continue. "Master Orgus told me you battled Flesh Raiders--and a Force user armed with a lightsaber. That must have been a disturbing confrontation. Are you alright?"

"Don't worry about me." He says reassuringly, shrugging off the question. You can't quite tell whether or not it's indifference, or dodging the question by putting a brave face. In any case, you proceed by asking him questioningly: "I admire your composure, but have you truly searched your feelings about this? Taking a life affects the Living Force--and the one who does the killing. This is why Jedi enter battles calmly, with reason. Emotions like fear and anger lead to the dark side." Near the end of your sentence your tone changes to emphasize the last point, as you wish for him to understand the severity of the warning.

Does he decide to try and take advantage of the situation?

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