TOR: A human female

From Create Your Own Story

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After the brief study of the Padawan's facial features, you speak in a calm, serene voice. "Padawan--I'm Satele Shan, leader of the Jedi Council. I'd like to speak privately with you before we meet with the others." Although confused, she replies respectfully with: "You have my full attention, Master. What do you need?". Easing any worries she might have, you shake your head and reply reassuringly. "No, and don't worry, this will be an informal meeting. Come to my meditation room in the temple. We'll talk there."

Shutting off the holotranciever, you retreat to a more secluded part of your meditation room, desiring privacy for the conversation. Lowering yourself down to both knees and meditating, you patiently await the Padawan's arrival. After a short period of time, you sense her walk in through the open archway while you kneel on the floor meditating with your eyes closed.

But, do you sense something familiar about her?

You are:
Satele Shan
Old Republic

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