R1: You get escorted to jail

From Create Your Own Story

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However, they lead you to what you guess is a police station. As you enter, you see a lot of boxes and people running around packing stuff. Could they be... leaving?

“Alright, we don’t have a lot of time. Droid, interrogate them to know who they are and let them rot in a cell, then you will evacuate as mentioned in the procedure.” The officer instructs while leading you to an interrogation room.

“Interrogate? Procedure? Roger Roger.” He vaguely answers.

“Start with the girl, she looks weaker than the man. Option #69 to begin.” He orders, before going out with his men and a pretty angry Cassian.

“Option 69, oh God... where can I find the man, if I have to change prisoners?” K2 asks, clearly not liking what he heard.

“Cell 1138. Now proceed.” The officer finishes, closing the door behind him.

You look around you, realizing there isn’t anything to look at. The room is empty, not a single chair, desk or torture device, only a camera pinned on the ceiling. You gulp. Their interrogations must be simple, but brutal. You know K2-SO won’t hurt you, but with the camera he might have to go a little rough.

“So, what is that option #69?” You ask, turning to K2 then realizing what it was.

K2-SO now has a thick 9 inches metal pole between his legs, and you don’t have to be an expert of imperial torture to know what was it’s purpose.

What happens next?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Jyn Erso
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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