GZ Female Saiyan - Be Honest

From Create Your Own Story

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"W-What!?" Mai Says, Blushing and Covering Her Face.

"That's..You're...why did you have to say it like that?" She whispers.

She looks taken back, unsure how to respond to this. Part flattered, Part Shocked.

"I...Uh..." She tries to talk but doesn't know what to say.

You move up behind her, snuggling into her shoulder.

"It's yes or no Mai... I Can Show you pleasure beyond belief~" You say seductively into her ear.

She removes her hands from her face, and turns to face you. Still blushing intensely.

"Y-Yes..." Is the only thing to come out of her mouth. You honestly didn't expect that.

"I Know a place we can go..." She shyly says.

You sneak out of sight of everyone in the HQ, And you see Mai heading towards a Room. Inside are beds and Food.

"Only Myself and Trunks are allowed in here, we should be fine here."

You decide to get started. You close the door as quietly as you can, and you walk towards Mai who starts to take off her jacket.

You walk over to her, as she drops her jacket. You kiss her on the neck, and start to feel her body. You slide a hand up her

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