Face your actions

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to face the consequences of your actions. Deputy Stuart looks at you almost disappointingly as he handcuffs you and throws you in a jail cell.

Soon after, you find that the cameraman had died in the hospital. You're charged with manslaughter and they send you away to the county prison. You spend a good fifteen years in the prison and you regret most of it, but you're somewhat at peace knowing you did the right thing by turning yourself in. You still feel bad about killing the cameraman though.

When you're released from prison, you realize the world around you has changed a lot. You spend a majority portion of your first years out of jail trying to adapt to the world around you. You eventually land a day job of fixing cars and a night job of being a prostitute. You live on meager earnings and you struggle to get by. You eventually settle down with somebody you met at your work, but you can't have children because of the multiple STD's you've contracted as a prostitute. A lot of late nights are spent thinking about the deceased cameraman.

Eventually you die a sad death at the age of 64, your lover remarries quickly, and your name is forgotten by all. But maybe... just maybe: You can finally apologize to the nameless cameraman.


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