SRTS/Touch them both

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 09:06, 24 January 2018 by Freespeech (Talk | contribs)

Once you are satisfied that they have no problem using the language you want them to use you decide to see if they remembered the words for the parts of their bodies. You are planning on getting a handjob from them soon, but you want to do some other things with them first. You also want to hear them talk about you touching them in a way that no sister should ever say to a brother, let alone sisters.

You look at both of your sisters and say, "Now it is time to test your memory. I am going to touch you both in different spots for ten seconds. I'll keep track of the time quietly and nod when I am ready for you to tell me what I am touching. That way it gives you time to think of an answer." As they nod in agreement, you say, "Good. I also want you to say your brother is touching you. Understood?"

They both nod and you see they both look nervous. You don't know the reason for their nervousness and decide not to ask. You know it could be the idea of their brother touching them on their most intimate parts, but it is far more likely it is from trying to remember the new words so neither of them loses the round.

You look back and forth to decide if you are going to start with Anna or Sue. After a short while, you decide to start with Sue. You reach out and touch her tits. The feeling of her small tits in your hands sends little shocks of pleasure through your body. You slightly grope both of them and silently count off the ten seconds in your mind. Once the time is up, you nod at her and wait for the answer.

Sue says, "My brother is touching my tits."

You nod to show she is correct and regretfully release her tits in order to move on to Anna's nipples. Your fingers reach out and rub both of her nipples, which causes her to give a slight moan. She quickly stops herself, but you get some enjoyment from the idea of giving your sister pleasure. As you playfully rub her nipples between your fingers you count off the time and nod to her.

Anna say, "My brother is touching my nipples."

You again nod to show she is correct and reluctantly release her nipples from between your fingers. You quickly move on to Sue as your hands find her ass. The feeling is even better than when you touched her tits. As you lightly grip both of her cheeks, she lets out a soft moan similar to the one Anna had escape from her lips. You silently count down the time and finally nod.

Sue says, "My brother is touching my ass."

You nod again to show she is correct and release her ass as you move on to Anna's ass. Only this time you rub your fingers between the cheeks. Sue lets out a soft moan of pleasure as you enjoy the feeling of her crack on your fingers. You count down the time and nod.

Anna says, "My brother is touching my ass crack."

You nod and release her ass. You are more than ready to get a handjob, but decide to do something else. You look at both of them and say, "It's a tie, again. So now I want you both to lay on your backs and spread your legs so I can see your pussies. I am going to spread them apart until you say stop while I keep track of the time. Whoever last longest wins."

They both nod and lay down on their backs. You have no intention of actually keeping track of the time, since you want this to end up in a tie. You want to see their pussies spread open by your fingers, but it is their assholes that you really want to see. If they are willing to allow you to spread their pussies to win a round, then their assholes have to be considered fair game as well.


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