TLJ: Captain Phasma

From Create Your Own Story

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You are a high ranking officer in the First Order, everyone either respecting you or fearing your wrath. You have more than enough work and responsibilities, yet you sometimes feel as if you were nothing in the grand scheme of things. You didn’t see FN-2187’s defection coming and therefore couldn’t prevent his betrayal to that damned resistance. Moreover, you were easily beaten on Starkiller base by the same FN-2187 and his band of rebel scum, getting dumped in a garbage compactor and left for dead. Since that moment, you knew you had to do more than just looking cool and menacing, you had to do something meaningful against the resistance.

How does the story begins?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Captain Phasma
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

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