Move to the left

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:34, 20 November 2017 by MegaReuw5 (Talk | contribs)

While Amy was moving to the left she noticed there was a spring behind were she stood.

("Whoo, good thing i doged the bullet on that one, it would have been the most embarrassing moment of life if i had hit that spring) thought Amy

After finally getting home from her embarrassing journey, Amy thought it would be nice to take a long nice shower.

Amy opened the door to her house and turned on the lights-

Happy Birthday Amy!

Amy froze, all of her friends are at her house! How did they get in? Did Shadow teleported them here? And it's not her birthday! Wait why are they staring at her.

Amy now rembering the fact that if it was her birthday, would mean that she is wearing her suit for that day.

Amy then covered up her privates and screamed "Why are you at my house!"

"But Amy, isn't today your birthday?" Asked Sonic

"Well she definitely got the suit for it" said knuckles as he was hit in the ribs by Cream.


"Its not my birthday!"

"Rouge, I thought you said that today was her birthday?" Asked Shadow

"Whoops, my mistake, I think it's in three months, I got confused with Bigs."

"Aw man, dose that mean we got that cake for nothing."

"Not the time Knuckles" said Tails

Amy now frozen in fear, could only whimper at the fact that she naked in front of friends, made this one of the worst day of life.

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