Disguise yourself as the guard.

From Create Your Own Story

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You quickly strip off the unconscious man's pants and uniform shirt, leaving him laying there in his undershirt and boxers, then you strip out of your own clothes and throw on the brown guard attire. Slipping into his boots and hat, you examine yourself in the mirror to make sure your cropped brunette hair is neatly tucked under the cap. It's relatively easy for a tomboy like yourself to disguise yourself as a guy.

You look back down at the knocked-out guard. It would be trouble if he was to wake up and alert his colleagues about your disguise. You pulled him into the stall, threw his limp hands around the toilet bowl, and fastened his wrists together with his own leather belt. To ensure that he doesn't regain consciousness and cry out for help, you gagged him with his own socks.

"Stanton, come in, are you there." A static voice from the floor made you jump. You quickly reached under the sink and picked up the guard's radio, which fell off his belt when you took him out.

"Uh...Stanton? Can you hear me?" The voice beeped through again as you held the radio up to your face. You waited for a brief moment to see if someone else would respond. Nothing. Stanton must be this guy.

"Uh...yes. Copy." You try to make your voice as deep as possible. You have no idea if this is how Stanton responds to radio calls. But saying nothing would be even more suspicious. You held your breath as a silence fell on the other end.

"Ok, Stanton." The guy on the other side seems to not have noticed. "Did you find anything in the first floor bathroom?"

"Nothing." You replied. "I'm heading out now."

You poke your head out the bathroom door and carefully glance around. There are no company workers in the hallway. Having a Code Red lock down might actually work to your advantage.

You briskly walked down the hall towards the main lobby where the main entrance is. You don't want to run and draw unwanted attention. Once in the lobby, you find that, to your fortune, there is nobody around. You hurry towards the exit.

"Wait, you there." A familiar voice called out to you from behind. You froze for a moment, then, trying to seem as normal as possible, casually turned around.

The source of the voice was none other than Wilson Clark, the man who caused this whole ordeal for you. He stood at a distance holding an ice pack against where you had struck him.

"Did you find the girl?" It appears as though he hasn't seen through your disguise.

"No, sir." You replied in your low, manly voice. This seems like a good chance to throw him off your track. "I heard she ran outside, I'm going to the parking lot to see if I can find her."

"Make sure you do." His tone became visibly irritated when he heard that you were still on the loose. "Catch her and bring her to me!"

"Yes, sir." You nodded from under your guard cap and sprinted out the entrance. Now that the coast is clear. What will you do?

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