Ask to become a hunter

From Create Your Own Story

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It suddenly dawns on you that your mother did train you in the bow, and you got quite good at it. So you say, "I could become a hunter."

Leogace's eyes light up, and happily says, "Great! We've been looking for a new recruit. So come on, let's see what you've got."

You follow him to a small barracks, where his troop are all talking with each other. Some you recognize from earlier, but there are few whom you don't. "Everyone," Leogace announces, "we have a new recruit. This is Ronama. She was assaulted by an orc earlier, so please treat her with respect."

"Yes, sir!" they respond in perfect unison.

Leogace then hands you a bow and arrow, and says, "Here you go. Time to see what your skills are."

You take the bow and arrow and follow him and the rest out to a shooting range with several targets already set up.

"Have any experience with the bow?" he asks.

You nod and pull the arrow back on the bow string. Leogace seems quite impressed with your stance, and you take aim.

Health Horny, female orc, named Ronama Equipment:

silk dress, bow and arrow

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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