Ask her when she first found out

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Your stomach lurches for a second; you thought you had kept that under wraps. Surely if she had caught you fantasizing about her you would have heard about it the next day. That she didn't put your head on a pike, or at least drill you into abject misery is surprising. She never even accosted you for it, from a lady who typically expects perfection from you.

As you put your pants on, stuffing your erection (and your desires) away, you ask her about it. "So, exactly how'd you figure that out?"

"You're not very subtle, and you care little for what others know or think of you, a curse from living under the Kings shadow no doubt. It was somewhere in the second year that we have known each other. 'Twas the end of the day and you had retired to your room for the night. I approached to inform you of the tactical study you were to have the next day. You were naked on the bed, stroking yourself without mercy and moaning my name, despite being oblivious to my presence."

You feel unusually embarassed from hearing this. Your sexual escapades are nothing new and noone in the kingdom would dare say anything about it, so why does this feel so different?

"You must have been awfully mad at me, Agnes. I'm surprised you didn't put a stop to it right than and there. You've put me through the ringer for so much as fidgeting."

"Yes, I know. I cannot quite explain it. I guess..." Her face starts to turn a little pink "it was innocent enough, I suppose. I thought it would be something you would outgrow. When that didn't happen, it didn't seem to matter as you were content with your fathers concubines." She presses her lips together for a second, debating with herself as to what to say next "That, and you looked so cute, it seemed wrong to stop you."

Ask Agnes if she still finds you cute

Thank her and move on

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