Segon: Female

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:49, 29 September 2017 by Fredhot16 (Talk | contribs)

Before me stands a young woman, her skin as white as milk and her hair as red as fire. This woman is Segon. She is beautiful to look upon and eager to be off towards her destiny. Of course, beyond this we know nothing of her.

There are four main skills Segon has to choose from. The skills are:

  • Power - This skill affects Segon's prowess with melee weapons of all kind.
  • Finesse - This skill affects Segon's prowess with ranged weapons of all kind.
  • Stealth - This skill affects Segon's ability to operate unseen as well as make quick escapes.
  • Diplomacy - This skill affects Segon's social skills, allowing her to charm and intimidate her way to glory.

Segon has to make two choices regarding her skills. First, she must choose a primary skill. Whatever skill you choose to be your primary skill will come as naturally to you as breathing.

If you choose Power as your primary skill, you will be a swordsman beyond compare.

If you choose Finesse as your primary skill, you will be a sharpshooter of legend.

If you choose Stealth as your primary skill, you will be as quiet as a shadow and faster than a breath on the wind.

If you choose Diplomacy as your primary skill, you will never find yourself in a situation your wits and your charm can't get you out of.

Second, Segon must choose a secondary skill. You will be more talented at your secondary skill than the average adventurer, but not quite as talented as a primary skill would be. Whatever two skills you do not choose, you will be average with.

So, what do you choose to be your primary skill?

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