This calls for a fight! Attack the men

From Create Your Own Story

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You can't just walk away, and you know that thugs like these understand only one language: force. Without further ado, you launch your athletic, feminine body though the air in a flying kick, your booted foot crashing into the side of the man who is punching the woman. You hear the satisfying crunch of ribs breaking as he is knocked to the ground. The second thug releases the woman and takes a swing at you. You dance out of the way easily and respond with a punch of your own to his jaw, breaking it and sending him to the ground semi-conscious.

Suddenly, a flash of movement and a glint of metal catches your eye. The first man is drawing a revolver. With a swift kick, you send the weapon flying. He tries to get up, but you smash your knee into his face, sending him back down with a spray of blood.

You perform a pair of front handsprings over to the gun. Picking it up, you check it quickly, discovering that it is fully loaded with six bullets. You pull the hammer back and point the weapon at the men as they regain consciousness.

"If you want to live, get the fuck out of here now and never come back," you say in your coldest voice. Fear dominant on their ugly faces, the thugs pick themselves up and hurry out of the alley as fast as their wounded bodies will take them, muttering foul curses all the while.

Turning to the woman, you ask her if she's all right. She nods gratefully, squeezing your hand as she thanks you.

"De nada," you say.

You take a closer look at her. She has Indian features, like most of the citizens here, but there is something about her high cheekbones and unusually bright eyes that gives her the aura of a descendant of Incan nobility. You ask her about the curse.

She nods. "We don't usually like discussing this with outsiders, but I know you can be trusted," she says. "Three weeks ago, a group of tourists was hiking in the mountains near Machu Picchu. They stumbled upon a hidden, previously undiscovered Inca tomb and accidentally awakened the dark spirit of an evil warlord. He's now bringing other warriors back from the dead and they're targeting tourists."

"How do I stop it?" you ask.

"You must slay the evil warlord and send him back to the grave...permanently. Once he is defeated his followers will vanish with him back into the afterlife."

"And how do I kill what's already dead?"

A wistful look appears on the woman's face. "That, I do not know. I do not have all the answers. No one does."

You nod in understanding. She does know where the secret tomb is, however, and draws you a map. "Thank you," you say.

"No, thank you for rescuing me," she replies. "And good luck." With that, she vanishes into the shadows.

You pinch yourself to make sure all of this is real. All of the books you've read, the movies you've seen, the video games you've played...and now monsters and ancient curses are reality, if the pinch works. "Ow," you say. Yep, reality. You look down at the revolver in your hand. That's certainly real. You decide to take it with you. You're not sure what, if any, good a revolver will do against undead spirits, but, if nothing else, it's useful to have in a neighborhood like this. You manage to get back to the hotel without further incident, however. You notice that your manner of walking is more confident when you're armed, and potential attackers could have noticed it too.

In your room, you let out a yawn. Stripping down to your underwear, you climb into the comfortable bed. You'll need a good night's sleep.

The next day, after a combination of bumpy Jeep rides and strenuous hiking, you reach the location marked on the map the woman drew for you. You're glad you're in such excellent shape. You look around, surveying the scenery carefully.

Sure enough, there's a small hole in the side of a hill, just big enough for you to fit. The opening blends in so well with its surroundings that it would be almost impossible to find unless you were specifically looking for it and knew exactly where to search. No wonder it stayed undiscovered for hundreds of years.

Clicking on your flashlight, you shine it into the tunnel. It continues straight for about twenty feet, then curves sharply to the right out of your view.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

A light backpack with essential supplies, plus your new revolver

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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