Try and show off your ass

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:23, 4 September 2017 by SexyBoyCat (Talk | contribs)

Deciding to give Drake a good show you stretch your ass towards him as you slowly and sexily pull the jeans over your ass, being sure to show off all of your curves to him as you do this. You turn to look at Drake, his mouth agape and his cock clearly visible as it threatens to burst out of his pants. Using this as encouragement you finish pulling the jeans over your full ass and bend over, pretending to adjust your pants and giving him the full view in the process, your own erection pressing against you as you do so.

Do you:

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

A throbbing erection, mildly blushed cheeks, shaky knees

Gender Male
Species Rabbit
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