Christmas Story Games / Mom's Game

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Christmas Story Games

Mom's Game: Part 1/5


The Story:


It is another day out in your wonderful house on the water and Christmas has finally come. It is snowing outside, quite a bit in fact, and all the kids are home for the holiday. You are Mom, a wonderfully nice person who has helped bring everyone together today. While your kids, husband, and pets roam around the house you sit on the center couch of the living room in front of the fireplace and get comfortable while everyone else does their own thing. They are bound to call on you sooner or later for food, it is inevitable. You might as well enjoy what free time you have. You've changed into your pajamas and have your kindle in your lap and you begin to read a scary Stephen King book full of drama and mystery.

As you read your family moves around the house. You hear the wind, a little stronger today than usual, hitting against the house while the snow actually piles up outside. It's a Christmas miracle! Due to the high amount of snow and weather you've convinced Dad to let Spike in, your large fluffy black cat, and she is happily snoozing on the floor in front of the couch next to you. Your other cat, Xina, has been asleep since before you got here in the comfortable chair next to the couch. The weather is so bad the ducks and all their kids are inside as well waddling around. This is a story after all! You hear the periodic "Quack" as you read your book from downstairs as well as various noises of your kids moving around.

Eerily, you feel the house wobble on its many posts in the wind and you look up a little nervous. You've never gotten used to the house swaying no matter how many times it has happened. As you glance out the window into the dark night sky you watch the snow fall and the wind blow and come to a realization. The snow is falling slower. The wind is blowing less and less. You slowly put your kindle to the side surprised, glancing past the Christmas tree and squint wondering how the weather has died down so fast. Has it? It still looks very stormy outside. The waves actually look huge in the canal.

There is a horrendously loud cracking noise and the house suddenly jerks roughly throwing you off the couch onto the floor. Your eyes go wide as you see both cats spring to life and make a dash for it, yet they seem to move in slow motion. How is that possible? What is going on?

Suddenly a figure cloaked in mist appears before you. "Diane, it is your families' night to perish. The storm will knock over your house and everyone will be no more. However, I have decided to take pity on you and give you a chance. If you can escape the house before everything is lost into the canal I will make it so this never happened. The storm will never knock over your house and you will continue to enjoy this wonderful Christmas with family. It is up to you." The spirit finishes ominously, then disappears once more.

You are yanked back into the present and everything starts to speed up. It is up to you to make it out and save everyone! You spot Xina sprinting up the stairs as spike runs for the media room and you get the idea that you should follow one of them as the house starts to break around you.


What do you do?


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