Your mother, surprisingly she is amused not mad about what you are doing

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:57, 22 March 2017 by Guthrie4455 (Talk | contribs)

You weren't sure what you were expecting to see upon leaving the stall, but it definitely was not your own mother.


"Oh my gawd mom, what the hell?"" you say to your mom, tring to cover up

"Damnnn lookin good girl, you been working out?" your mom says

"Mom it's not what it looks like I ca- wait what? You aren't mad I'm butt naked in public?"

"Course not, why would I be? Ain't nothing wrong with what God gave ya'

"...Really. You aren't mad that my boobies, butt, and pussy are on full display?"

" Not at all! I think it's great you're proud of your body and want to show it off. Frankly, I think it'd be a crime to not show off those titties from time to time!" your mom said, giving your boob a little squeeze.

You are nearly speechless. Your mom just touched your boob and it wasn't even weird! "Wow, I would never have guessed you'd be cool with your daughter being stark naked in public, but I'm so glad that you are. What are you doing here, anyway?"

"Oh I'm catching that new Ryan Gosling movie."

"SAME!" you exclaim, almost too loud.

"Let's sit by each other, get some of that quality mother-daughter bonding!"

With that, you and your mom head to the screening, in a totally unexpected sequence of events.

What happens after the movie?

Go to the mall

Go to a restaurant

Your mom takes a selfie with her naked daughter

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