Welcome To Tyre - Race Lore

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Wulf Race

  • Appearance: Humanoid wolves. They function like humans but have unique abilities and strengths. They are on average bigger than your typical human. Male and female wulves are exceptionally beautiful compared to the other races. Male reproductive organs are large, and mimic those of Humans.
  • Ability: Wulves can transform themselves into a human-like form. Unlike Earth werewolves, Wulves are born as is. Making themselves look like humans is completely optional. Some Wulves actually lack the ability to even transform. For reasons unknown.
  • Strengths: Inherently strong muscles and acute senses. Wulves' senses are doubled that of a normal human's.
  • Weaknesses: Average Wulves are big, so they cannot fit into small spaces. However, they are very agile for their size.

Human Race

  • Appearance: Your average everyday human
  • Ability: Normal humans possess no special or magical ability compared to the other races. However, the royal family possesses magic abilities.
  • Strengths: Because humans are at such a disadvantage, they have a unique passion for innovation and knowledge. (Though most do not have this quality)
  • Weaknesses: Inability to use offensive type magic. However, they can use defensive magic.

  • More Races to be added

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