Talk to your mom about Lars

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The Knights of the Sacred Flame protect nobility they are sworn to, like Lars is to you. One should have been sworn to your mother as well, but you've never seen him, nor heard of him. It had never been a big deal before, but recent events have you curious. You take a moment from the festivities to talk to your mother, in private.

"Mother, I have a question about Lars, and the Knights"

She lets out a dreaded sigh. She apparently knew this question was coming "Yes, my dear?"

"Did you have one? What was he like?"

Your mother smiles gently, looking into the distance for a moment, as if chasing a memory, before returning to the present moment

"His name was Arthur. A great knight. Was sworn to me about the age that Lars was sworn to you. The only thing stronger than his back was his heart. There was nothing he wouldn't do for me." She lets out another sigh, this one bittersweet "I miss that man terribly. I'm reminded of him each time I look upon you."

Quite puzzling to be sure. "Why's that? Where is he? What happened to him? He was sworn to you for life, wasn't he?"

"Yes, sweetheart, he was. Until death, or if a Knight breaks one of their vows."

"Yes, go on" you plead your mother to continue, your hands hold hers in anticipation

"It was my fault. He had always loved me, and I had fallen for him as well. It took a while, but I finally broke his will enough to have one glorious night with him. I'll never forget the way that felt." She turned around, looking for her husband "I would trade Harold and all of the other suitors I've ever had for one more chance with him. But, that can't be helped now. When I woke that morning, Arthur was gone, as was any trace of him. The Knights of the Sacred Flame either did not know where he went, or would not tell anyone." She paused, squeezing your hand tightly before looking straight into your eyes "You remind me so much of him. your father."

That's surprising news. Your mother had never talked about your dad before, though admittedly you were never really concerned with it. Just by nature of the "diplomatic relationship" your kingdom has, every generation of Princess has been raised without a father. You're more than a bit stunned by this, and are now left at an impasse.

"That's...incredible Mother. What should I do about Lars than?"

Your mother responds bluntly "That man loves you more than you can possibly understand. He can't show it properly, because he knows what will likely happen if he does. There is one way you can have him though. Their oaths state chastity for so long that their ward is either on the throne or is in the line of succession to take it. If the two of you can stick it out until you give up the crown, you can marry him. You'll both be far better than any of your ancestors." You realize how tall of an order that is; to not act on feelings for each other until your mothers age, and you give up your crown. This is going to take some time to process, but you remember that this isn't exactly the time for that. There is still the party going on, and the quiet sullen look is not befitting the person who is being celebrated

Go find Lars

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