Thank Lars and begin your day

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:26, 2 January 2017 by Darth Halford (Talk | contribs)

No lines were crossed, but Lars did get alot closer to one than he has before, and he may be feeling regret about that. You try to prevent that it. Today is supposed to be a celebration after all, and it would be hard for you to do that knowing you put your protector in a bad way. Plus, maybe you could even encourage the behavior in the future; break him open carefully than with a hammer.

"Thank you for that Lars. I really do appreciate you helping me. I came SO hard thanks to you!"

"You're welcome" he replies, quietly and coldly. Your suspicions were correct.

"Hey..." As you reach your hand out, brushing it down to reach his "I'm sorry if that was too much. It's just, I've known you for about as long as I can remember, and you're the only boy I haven't slept with. We always want what we can't have. Do you know what I mean?"

Lars nods, speaking more loudly and clearly "More than you know. You are the only person I've wanted to make love to"

An interesting distinction between your choice of words and his, and a term not often heard; at least not within the walls of this castle. "That's very sweet Lars. Thank you". You shift around and get out of bed "So, are you ready to get the day moving?"

"For you Princess, always ready" Lars seems to be back to his old self, maybe even a bit better than. He's usually a cold, passive, and quiet. He seems to be finding out a way to finally communicate whatever is on his mind. Maybe he's figuring out that talking about his desires does not betray his oaths. Either way, you're not about to ask him to change back.

"Careful Lars, you only have a few more hours where you can call me that. What all do we have to do to get ready?"

"Quite a lot, my dear Princess" he smiles back playfully, getting to use the word Princess as much as he can before the day is over. "First and foremost, a bath is in order" in regards to your current desheveled state "Than cloths and a hearty breakfast to get you through till the feast. The servants will want your approval on various matters for that. While that's being prepared you are expected to rehearse the coronation..." Lars goes on, keeping an immaculate schedule and plan for the day. He may have vowed to live with a stick up his ass, but you have to admit that it's been to your benefit.

Lars not only knows the plan for the day inside and out but keeps you to it perfectly. While the servants are normally prompt and diligent in taking care of you, they are particularly so today with Lars around. He never shouts and screams and hardly addresses them, but they understand that to upset him is to upset you, and this is not the day for either of those. Lars also proves to be as skilled as ever as screening away distractions. Your three younger brothers, your new stepfather Harold, and many of the more ambitious suitors try to take your time during preperations, but Lars is able to keep them at best too far away to interfere, and at worse, cut your interactions short. The only person he doesn't interfere with is your mother, the Maiden Queen. He is as honorbound to her as he is to you, and understands that she is the person you most need to see today. She accompanies you through the rehearsal and provides coaching on many of the formalities of the day. As the event approaches, She gives you little stories and bits of encouragement tide off your anxiety.

Thanks to both of them, the coronation ceremony goes off without a hitch: it's the one ceremony in your kingdom where lip service to the old gods are paid, blessings of wisdom and health are asked for. Sacrifices and chants are made. Extended family and emissaries from all over come to watch, as well as join in the feast after. Several of them are the same suitors that came to call when you were still a princess, hoping to access the wealth and beautiful land of both you and your kingdom. They are quick to dote on you and heap praise upon you, eager to sweep you off your feet in an instant It's a foolish endeavor, your kingdom is known as the land of the Maiden Queen for a reason. Still, it's cute to watch them try.

The coronation complete, you retire from your ceremonial vestments to something more appropriate to a celebration, and to your figure. A long red dress, perfectly fitted to your body and leaving nothing to the imagine. Gaps in the soft silk around your large chest and large ass intend to tantalize. It certainly does that; you can't even make it to your seat before men start to come after you. Lars manages to keep them away before you, at least until you sit down in the throne, but he can't keep them away all night, especially once dancing starts and the alcohol begins to flow. There's also your mother to see, and her new husband Harold. One of the clerics from the temple also seems to speak with you, but his visit seems more professional

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