JoJo's Choose Your Own Bizarre Adventure

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:04, 25 December 2016 by Fredhot16 (Talk | contribs)

(Where basic explanation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure would be.) JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a Japanese manga and anime written by possible immortal and Mona Lisa stand-in, Hirohiko Araki, in January of 1987. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is divided into eight parts: Phantom Blood, Battle Tendency, Stardust Crusaders, Diamond is Unbreakable, Vento Aureo (Italian for "Golden Wind"), Stone Ocean, Steel Ball Run, and the current part is called Jojolion.

Phantom Blood is about the young son of a British aristocrat, Jonathan Joestar, and his rivalry with his recently adopted brother and gutter scum, Dio Brando.

Battle Tendency is about a arrogant but brilliant shithead named Joseph Joestar, the grandson of Jonathan Joestar, as he strives to learn how to use the mystical art of Hamon in order to defeat the Pillar Men, timeless ancient vampires whose goal is to steal the Red Stone of Ajah and become The Perfect Being.

Stardust Crusaders is about Jotaro Kujo, a Japanese delinquent, as he travels with to Egypt with Joseph Joestar,

Diamond is Unbreakable is about Josuke Hagashikata, the bastard of Joseph Joestar and a Japanese high school student, as he tries to

Vento Aureo is about Giorno Giovanni, the bastard of Dio Brando,

Stone Ocean is about Joylene Kujo, a

Steel Ball Run is about Jonathan Joestar, a crippled

Jojolion is about a amnesiac man dressed like a sailor

(Here where basic explanation of CYOA premise would be. ) This story is

(Here would basic explanation of Stands be.) Stands are the living embodiment of one's soul.

(Here would basic explanation of Hamon be.) Hamon users are one in ten thousand people who can tap into the power of Hamon, a mystical art that channels the energy of the sun. It was originally developed to combat vampires.

(Here would basic explanation of Normals be.) Normals are regular people, without special abilities or powers.

(Note about how the characters here are different people: they aren't just gender-swapped versions of one character, they have their own individual personalities and backstories. The male Stand User character is a different person from the female Stand User character and the male Hamon user character is a different person from the female Hamon user character.)

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