Piggy's Day/Use the opportunity to your advantage

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Piggy: "Right, it's time to get out the ol' poker face."

Years of playing in a poker ring has gained you a spectacularly powerful poker face. If need be, you can keep a straight face through almost anything. In this case, you use it to appear like a berserk rioter in a situation where you would normally cower in fear. You go right over to the street and start bashing display windows.


Some onlookers are visibly impressed. You quickly gain notion among the anarchists, and gain their trust. In only a few days, the revolution is complete and all traces of previous authoritarian rule is in rubble. You are celebrated as a sybmol of anarchistic vigor, but as the state has fallen into anarchy, you are not given any actual power. Instead, you become homeless. People flock to the street corner where you reside in a cardboard box to feed you and gain sagely advice. All through this, you have to pretend like you know something deep and profound about anarchism and liberty, but really it's all just bluffing. Then one day, Swine sees you on the television from Earth.

News anchor: "The former dictatorship of Anthals on Mars has collapsed, and an anarchistic collective has risen to power. So far the collective has no viable leadership, except for symbolic leaders. We've not been able to get an interview from Piggy, a notable anarchist and an escaped Earth fugitive, seen here building an extension to his cardboard box to house his library."

Swine: "Piggy's alive!?"

After the guy who escaped with you was arrested, he testified having thrown you out of a helicopter, and Swine thought that you died. Swine travels to Anthals to meet you. After exchanging hello's you invite Swine inside.

Swine: "Piggy! What are you doing leading an anarchist revolution?"

Piggy: "Well as it turns out, landing in an escape pod in the middle of a country in a state of anarchy leaves you little to no options for survival. And as a terrible actor, my over-the-top approach seemed to arouse these people even more."

Swine: "Well what are you going to do? You're not going to live in a cardboard box all your life are you?"


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