Girl Scout Cookies/Truth or Dare

From Create Your Own Story

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Your mind races to think about how you can turn “Truth or Dare” into a game that can be played for stakes. Eventually, the idea comes to you.

“How about Truth or Dare?” you say.

“And exactly how is that going to work?” Claire asks.

“For Truth, you can lie. If you get away with it, you win a box of cookies. If you’re caught, you lose a box. If you accuse someone of lying when they didn’t, you also lose a box. The lie can’t be something trivial, like having 3 pet dogs instead of 2 – it has to be something significant like saying that you hate dogs when you have a pet dog. If the lie is caught, you must answer truthfully afterwards. If the lie is not caught, the asker can lose another box to get the true answer.

“You can also refuse. In that case, you lose two boxes, unless the asker wants to lose two boxes instead to make you do it anyway.

“At the end of the game, I’ll buy every box I’m “behind”. If you’re ahead, I’ll still buy two boxes.”

Both girls consider this interesting variation. “Sounds kind of complicated,” Lin mutters.

“You’re just chicken,” Claire says. She turns to you, “Okay, but we get to go first.”

“No problem. You two act as a team – I can ask either one of you, and you two decide together what to ask me.”

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