Katie Accident in Art - The bathroom is locked

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Condition Fine Apparel and Items: Skirt, Shirt, Panties, Sneakers
Day, Time Friday, Afternoon
Need to Bathroom Strong urge
Level of Humiliation Extreme

They reach the door and the bathroom is locked.

"Oh no!" Katie cries.

Katie's anus widens as watery, mushy poop fills her panties. The watery mess runs down her legs and forms a brown puddle. Katie feels her panties sag as the poop weighs them down. Katie starts to cry.

Then the bathroom door opens and a woman leaves the restroom. Katie's mother pulls her into the bathroom. She removes Katie's panties and throws them in the trash. Then she wipes Katie with with wet paper towels until she is clean.

"Thanks mommy. I can't believe I had another accident. What am I going to do now? I have no panties to wear and this skirt is short" Katie exclaims.

Katie Accident in Art - Katie goes commando

Katie Accident in Art - Katie's mother removes her panties and gives them to Katie

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