Hold onto it for a while.

From Create Your Own Story

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That trash can is to open, anyone could see your diaper in there, you decide to conceal it a while longer. You take off your pajamas and carefully hide the diaper under them, and step into the shower. The water is warm and it feels good on your body. Thinking now about your body you decide you'd better learn what your new one looks like. You give yourself a once over and are impressed. You're thin and probably of medium height, your shoulder-length blonde hair is wet and is resting on your back. One thing you take great notice of is your breasts. You didn't have breasts in your old body so you give them a gentle squeeze, and that makes you quite happy. This isn't the place to go further, you tell yourself, so you grab a bar of soap and rinse off your new body.

Soon you're finished with the shower. You turn the water off and grab your towel to dry off. As you do you notice that another girl has entered the bathroom. She walks into an open stall and closes the door behind her. You carefully pull on your clothes, struggling a bit with the bra, a new concept. As you pull your shirt on, the girl emerges from the stall and smiles at you.

You pick up your shower bag, towel and pajamas with the diaper hidden inside. As you're walking by the sink the girl, just finishing washing her hands, turns and bumps into you. You stumble a bit, and to your horror the diaper falls from your clothes and hits the floor with a wet sounding thud.

The girl looks at you quizically "Is that yours?"

You blush heavily and quickly try to gather up your diaper.

"Hey it's ok" the girl says "I won't tell anyone about this, my name's Erin." She reaches out and puts her hand on your shoulder to reasure you.

"Uh, yeah that is mine" you say still very emberrassed "Thank you for promising not to tell Erin, I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem, so what's your name I don't think I've met you before."

You blank, you don't even know your own name

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