Throw it out now.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:52, 23 March 2008 by Nrb06 (Talk | contribs)
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You quickly remove your wet diaper and throw it into the garbage can, you're glad to be free of that thing. You finish undressing and step into the shower the water is warm and it feels good on your body. Thinking now about your body you decide you'd better learn what your new one looks like. You give yourself a once over and are impressed, you're thin and probably of medium height, your shoulder length blond hair is wet and is resting on your back. One thing you take great notice of is your breasts, you didn't have breasts in your old body so you give them a gentle squeeze, and that makes you quite happy. This isn't the place to go further you tell yourself, so you grab a bar of soap and begin rinsing off your new body.

Soon you're finished with the shower, you turn the water off and grab your towel to dry off. As you do you notice that another girl has entered the bathroom, she walks into an open stall and closes the door behind her. You carefully pull on your clothes, struggling a bit with the bra, a new concept. As you pull your shirt on the girl emerges from the stall and smiles at you before throwing something into the garbage.

"Eww, someone put a wet diaper in here." She says looking at you

You blush for a moment, and don't know how to respond, fortunately the girl fills the brief silence.

"It must have been the guys from the floor below, they're always doing stupid shit."

You smile at her "Yeah, I guess it just proves how immature they are, that they're pissing in diapers"

The girl laughs "Yup I guess so, see ya later!" she says as she finishes washing her hands and walks out the door.

That was too close you think as you contemplate what your next course of action will be.

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