The Exhibitionist/Ride down to the beach and do a few laps around the docks in a red bikini

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You grab one of my bikini's, the red one in fact, and bring it to me.

"So, you want me to wear this? Anything special?"

You shake your head no, and motion to the beach off in the distance.

"So, I guess just a swimming trip? Sure," I shrug, thinking it is not specifically what I asked for, but at least you are not rushing me out the door wearing nothing.

"Okay, turn around," I say. You comply, and hear the faint whisks of me changing. After a couple minutes, you hear me say, "Okay, you can turn back around now."

You turn around, and see me standing there in the bikini.

The Trip

I hopped on my bicycle and rode down to the beach. The sun shone down, and a cool breeze kept it from being too hot.

I found a spot to park my bicycle, locking it to the back of the guard rail on the walkway since there are no bike racks on this beach.

I sat on the beach, watching the ocean roll in slowly, some waves small, some bigger. Little sand crabs skittered from hole to hole in the beach, and I watched one for a few minutes before it disappeared inside the little hole in the sand.

Laughing at the little creature, more like a bug than a crab, I walked to where the water met the land. Little by little, I walked further out, letting my feet get used to the cold water, feeling it splash on my skin, then my ankles, then my calves.

Soon the water was waist deep, and I could feel it drag at me, trying to push me down. With that, I lay down, letting the salty water buoy my body, and started stroking, moving slowly further from the shore. I headed towards the docks, a ways off from where I started, and swam around them a few times before making my way back towards the part of the beach I had started from.

A large wave hit me, forcing me under the water. I came up, sputtering up some water.

Another wave followed behind, forcing my head back under.

As I tried to scream, I could feel my lungs fill with water. They burned as I struggled to get back to the surface.

My head broke the surface, and I coughed water before I was pulled back under.

I felt my limbs grow sluggish as I tried to get back to the surface, tried to stay on the surface. Blackness tinged the edges of my sight, vision slowly narrowing.

I felt hands grab me roughly, pull me up. I felt my body dragged to the shore, unable to see, but somewhere in the back of my mind realizing some had pulled me from the merciless waves.

A hand pushed against my chest, lips met mine for something other than a kiss. I coughed, and was turned on my side. I felt myself throw up, emptying the entire ocean on the sand.

As awareness came back, I looked around, and saw a man watching me. I got up weakly, head spinning. As soon as I started getting my thoughts together, I noticed the breeze seemed cooler on my skin. I looked down, and gasped in shock when I found my top missing.

I covered my exposed nipples, one with each hand, and refused to meet the gaze of my rescuer.

His words filtered in through my numbed and shocked brain, fog finally gone. "Are you okay miss?"

"Yes," I said shakily, realizing how close I had come to drowning. "I just need a moment."

Realizing I was being rude, I turned to him, "Thank you for saving me." I said, a little embarrassed that it had taken so long for me to thank him properly.

His hand was held out to me, and stupidly, I put my hand out and shook it, momentarily uncovering my right breast. Embarrassed, I realized he held a shirt in it, and I immediately snatched my hand back to cover myself.

"Here, put this on," he said, setting the shirt down and turning around.

My face went bright red again, and I nodded at his back, slipping the shirt over my exposed top. Not everyone on the beach turned their back, but I didn't say anything, just tried to get it on quickly.

Sadly, the water dripping off me from my swim, soaked into the shirt, making it cling to every curve, and show my slightly darker nipples through the fabric. It was better than nothing, but not by much.

I laughed, realizing I look like someone from a wet t-shirt content, wearing bikini bottoms and this slightly see-through, form molding shirt.

"Umm, do I get the shirt back to you?" I asked him.

He turned back around, noted the effect of the shirt on me, then looked me in the eyes. "Well, do you have a phone?"

I shrugged, motioning towards what was left of my bikini. "No where to put one. My number is ..." and I passed him my phone number.

He put it in and dialed, then hung up. "Okay, you can call me sometime so we can meet up and you can give it back."

I nodded, thanked him again, and went back to my bicycle. When I got there, I realized that the key had been attached to the bikini top. What should have been a short bike ride was a longer walk. With a clinging shirt.

"At least the guards can let me in," I mumbled as I walked home, getting honked at by more than one car.

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