Katie Accident in Art - Katie runs away from school

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Condition Cold Apparel and Items: Shirt, diaper, Sneakers
Day, Time Friday, Lunch time
Need to Bathroom None
Level of Humiliation Extreme

Katie exits the nurse's office and runs out a side entrance of the school. Going back to class is not an option. She would look like a teenage baby wearing only a shirt and diaper.

Katie starts to walk home in the rural area. Her legs are cold and she begins to shiver while she walks. Her walk is soon disrupted when she hears car horns. Motorists in passing cars start yelling and laughing at Katie. Katie soon people are pulling out cell phones to take pictures.

Katie starts to run home. Her eyes tear up as she runs. One blocks from home Katie's house is in sight, but Katie trips on some broken sidewalk and scrapes her knees.

Katie gets up off the ground and sees her Mother on the front porch of the house talking on her cell phone. Katie's mother will be upset that she is skipping school and had an embarrassing accident in class.

Katie Accident in Art - Katie goes to the front door

Katie Accident in Art - Katie sneaks to the back door

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