The Exhibitionist/Bike down one of the hiking trails wearing only a sports bra

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"So, master, what would you like me to do."

You grab a sports bra from my intimates drawer, handing it to me.

"Umm, so you want me to wear this?" I look at you puzzled. After all, I have worn sports bras around before. Especially while jogging.

You shake your head yes.

"Okay," I say, going to pick out a pair of shorts to go with it.

You immediately shake your head no. "Oh," I say, finally understanding. "You want me to wear only this." You nod to show that is correct.

"Can I at least wear shoes too?" I ask. You shake your head yes.

"Okay, where am I going?" You tell me to go around the hiking trails on my bicycle.

Well, at least he doesn't want me to go around the streets like this, I think yo myself, glad that you are at least being somewhat reasonable.

The Trip

Since the biking trails are a little ways away from my house, I put on shorts anyways. He could not think I would go through the city to the trails in nothing but a sports bra. I rode to the hiking trails, and looked around. I had picked 3:00 PM because it was hot, and I doubted anyone else would be around.

Once I made sure the area was clear, I took off my shorts. I looked at my bicycle, wondering where I could put my discarded shorts. There was no way I would want to go back without, so could not just throw them away.

Finally, I just tied them around the frame, then started off, the seat against my bare pussy. Sweat trickled down me as I cycled along the trails. The sensation was not that much different than riding around on trails like this with something on the bottom, just a little the seat rubbed against normally covered areas.

After a while, I didn't even notice anymore that I was half naked with my most intimate part exposed. It had become just another bicycle ride, although more exhausting, since I was not used to going along trails like this.

Then, it happened. Going down a somewhat steep hill, my bicycle slid sideways, and suddenly I was sliding down the side of the hill. The branches from the trees whipped me, and the dirt bit at my left thigh. I eventually rolled, finding myself tumbling end over end until the ground rushed up to meet me. I lay on the ground, dazed. Once I was able, I stood, examining my bicycle. It seemed overall okay, in better shape than me. I looked at the side of my leg, and saw blood oozing from it. I touched it, and jerked my hand back as the pain finally caught up with me. My leg moved, but was scraped all over. I walked around a little, working my leg.

Nothing broken, It seemed I had escaped with mostly just scrapes and scratches, and a bruise marring the skin of my leg, a few welts on my arms and chest where trees had slapped me as I tumbled down.

Okay, forget this. I am done, I thought as I went for my shorts.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, realizing I had lost the shorts somewhere in the tumble. I looked up the hill, and did not see them anywhere. I tried climbing up it on hands and feet, but slid back down. No way I could check up the hill. I worked my way to the top, slowly and painfully, as the blood stopped. I looked down, and did not see the shorts anywhere.

"Shit shit shit fuck!" I yelled.

My mind scrambled for how to deal with this. I could try to make it home, without being seen, but could already feel my leg stiffening up from the scrapes. If I tried to find anyone to help, well, it would be pretty obvious that I was completely bottomless.

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