Run after the police officer and try to get your money back

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:56, 24 March 2016 by Ndqw (Talk | contribs)
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You move your arm away from the rapist and chase after the dumb fuck cop.

"Hey retard, you didn't let me finish."

"What?" The cop is genuinely confused.

"As I was saying, he paid me, but that doesn't mean shit. He simply threw money on me after he was done raping me."

"Oh, well now I feel like a complete retard." The cop gets the money and hands it back to you. "I guess this is yours then. I'll go arrest him. I wish more rape victims were like you then my job would be easier."

Follow him to make sure he actually follows through

Shift into the cop and do it yourself

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