Bonm LeClerc. Sounds like he's French.

From Create Your Own Story

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"Some guy named Bonm LeClerc." You say. Next to you, Gale and Stella are hugging, possibly because they are roommates.

"Ay, I know the mate." Chuck says, not clued in on how annoying his accent is. "And it looks like you're in the room next to mine."

"Alright, see ya later Stella." You tell your new friend, and head out.

You and Chuck make your way to your dorm building, making small talk.

"So, how long have you and Stella been dating?" You ask, maneuvering through the crowd.

"Going on about 3 months. Here we are." He says, just as you stop at the building. Before you open the door, both of you are stopped by a hand on your shoulder.

"All right then, who's 'Chuck Lee'?" You hear a German accented man behind you ask. You turn to see a blonde with glasses, a Navy SEALs shirt, and jeans.

"I am. So, I got a bleeding Swartzenagger wannabe?" Chuck asks sarcastically.

"I happen to be German, not Austrian. The name's Panzer. Ficken Kiwi." He mutters the last part, before running into the building. While Chuck chases after, you enter your room.

Inside, there's a bunk bed, two desks and chairs, a sofa, a tv, and a bathroom. You place your bags on the chair, and look into the bathroom. There is only a toilet, a shower, a sink, and a mirror. The door opens, and you quickly turn around.

There is a stocky dark skinned boy, around 17, in the door way with a duffel bag. He has an orange polo on, and brown cargo shorts.

"Alo." He says, with some sort of accent. "You're (first name) (last name)?"

"Yeah, that's me." You respond. The guy nods, then throws his bag onto the top bunk.

Before either of you say anything, an announcement for first and second year lunch is made.

"Alright frè, let's grab lunch." He says, then walks off. You...

Go with him

Stay in the dorm

Gender Male Equipment:

Cell phone, map

Roommate Bonm LeClerc
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