User talk:ButtPee

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:25, 1 February 2016 by Uman (Talk | contribs)
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If you're going to post in one of my stories, please try to use proper punctuation. --Platypus 19:17, 13 November 2015 (UTC)

Will do! I'm posting from mobile, so I might be missing things. I'll try to make sure I double check, though! Good work!

In my stories, choices are limited to choices your character can make. Since your character can't decide to hear something outside, that isn't a valid choice. --Platypus 00:05, 17 November 2015 (UTC)

Gotcha! Will avoid doing so in the future!

Just an FYI about one of the finer points of grammar... When you use Dad or Daddy in place of a proper name, it gets capitalized, just like a proper name would be. Suck Dad's penis. But when you use it in a way that you wouldn't use a proper name, it doesn't get capitalized. Suck your dad's penis. You're unlikely to say suck your Matthew's penis. --Platypus 19:58, 13 January 2016 (UTC)

Thanks! I'll make sure to do that going forward!

Hello, I'm Uman - one of the other writers on the site. I've noticed your excellent and regular writing on the site. Honestly I like your stuff, you seem to write well and you don't seem to get writer's blocked too much. I'm curious to know if you would be interested in adding perhaps to one of my stories. I think you'd be able to bring a good touch to my stories. Now I'm still writing regularly too, and what I like doing is a "1 for 1" chapter agreement if you are interested. Basically what I do is that if you write a chapter, I write at least one chapter within a day or two. That way we can work off of each other's chapters and get a lot written. Its the best way I've seen to rapidly grow stories. Now if you feel like doing something a little outside the box then feel free to ask me. I like personally inviting people to help write in my stories because I like seeing where people will take them. In my largest story The Humiliation of Katie, I've had two big series that have been worked on more recently Linda's Daycare for the Hard Working Parents of America and the one I am focusing on right now Series 1 - The Marathon.

If you are interested then let me know. --Uman 29 January 2016

Sure! If there's anywhere you think would work best, let me know. A forewarning, I do most of my writing on my smartphone. I usually triple check what I write, but autocorrect sometimes sneaks something past me.

Glad to see that you are in! I don't have a problem with some grammar mistakes. As long as there is substance (which you seem to have no problem with) then I am glad to see contributions. Honestly I don't have too much of a preference where you make your additions. However I do have some suggestions for where I think some of the best storylines are. The following four are probably the best in my opinion. Feel free to add where you want. I am looking for substantive additions, not just "Katie does x then y." You seem to put some thought into what you are adding. I like that. For these stories, the only things I am explicitly against is pedophilia (as in adult taking advantage of a child) and any sort of permanent physical damage. Whilst not present too much, forced sex is okay in the story. Its mainly about embarrassing and humiliating Katie in any way possible. So if Katie is found by someone, she can be taken advantage of. In addition my stories tend to have a lot of unluckiness/bad choices by Katie that leave her exposed/having bathroom accidents. With that in mind, here are the best storylines.

Series 3 - A Weekend with the Aunt : Katie gets babysat by her Aunt Jill who babies and humiliates Katie in highly public situations (a lot of bathroom accident stuff/highly public nudity).

Series 2 - Camping Trip : Katie is taken on a camping trip either naked or barely wearing anything. In one part she ends up naked with two boys in the woods. Keeping her naked/her getting taken advantage of are possibles - add more humiliations if you feel like it.

Series 2 - Caught in the Rain : Katie is forced to go to school in the rain, soaking her clothes. One of the situations leaves her mostly naked and soaked. Another leaves her needing to go very badly but she is stuck in class in a test - probably one of the more unique situations in the story.

Series 1 - The Marathon : Katie enters a marathon but gets robbed. She is left in her underwear to run a marathon while her family is watching. She also needs to go to the bathroom but continuously is watched.

For all of these series, feel free to add whatever you want and keep the creativity flowing! I like improvisation. Look forward to see what you have! - Uman

Nice additions! I'll be adding my own chapters either tonight or tomorrow - today happens to be a really busy day. - Uman

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