Finish your work, then decide what to do!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:51, 18 January 2016 by Fabrico (Talk | contribs)
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You sigh, looking up at the grey sky with dull eyes. What a... boring life. Surely there was more to the world than watching over animals and planting crops until you die. What's a life where all you do is live, breathe then DIE? What would change if you were to just leave? Your hand clutches tightly onto your worn pitchfork, turning your knuckles a pail white. You make a face. "Dammit," You mutter while driving the tool deep into the hay and throwing the rest of the hay around on the green grass that had yet to be covered. You feel angry, but you just can't figure out WHY.

And that made you even more angry.

Once your work is done, you begin working your way back to the house at a slightly brisk pace, the feeling of annoyance still bubbling in your chest. Although it was hard to tell with all the clouds, the sun should've most definitely be setting soon. And some monsters are just too impatient to wait for night to fall... Back before six P.M. in the winter and eight P.M. in the summer. While it was summer, it certainly didn't feel like it today. The heavy clouds had loomed above the sky for hours now, rolling in just before noon. A horrible day, for sure. When you do the same thing everyday, weather was a pretty big factor for how your day went. And today's was just downright... gloomy.

After a few minutes of walking, the grey clouds in the sky were already an almost beautiful mixture of vibrant reds, oranges and yellows. It was always so weird how quickly the sun seemed to go down in the winter. Mother always said the Gods of War hang their armor freshly wasted to dry in the sun's bright ray's during this time of years, when the Great Phoenix had been slain yet again. Of course, the Great Phoenix would always rise again after wallowing in it's own ashes for a few months for a few months, heating everything up and..! Oh, who cares?

You push open the door to your house, your three brothers and father already inside sitting and chatting inside the rotting house. You sigh deeply. What a life...

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