Big Cock Fun - (2) Cancel your date with Antonio.

From Create Your Own Story

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Flopping down on the couch you finally feel the consequences of your earlier activities. You're beat. You grab your cellphone and send Antonio a message.

"Hey, sorry, I'm wrecked. Can we postpone?"

You only have to wait a few seconds before the phone rings with a new message.

"Sure, my father could use my help anyway. ;) What did you do?"

"I'll tell you in school, k?"

"Cool, rest up, dude! c u."

"Yeah, thanks."

Relieved you lie down on the couch and realize that there are still pools of cum covering large parts. You groan annoyed and begin to clean up your mess and then go upstairs to your room. You undress and go to bed for a few hours. When you wake up, you believe to hear the car of your parents parking in the garage and you take a look at the clock on your night stand. It's 4 p.m. You get up, pull on your gym shorts and a t-shirt and go downstairs. In the living-room you see your mother in the kitchen stowing away food they must have bought on their way back. Your father is sitting on the freshly cleaned couch. You greet your parents who smile and return the greeting. Your mother, Emily, and father, Vincent, are 35 and 37 respectively and are quite attractive in their own ways, you're proud to say. Your good looks certainly don't come from nowhere. Your mother is about your height, has long legs and a nice curvy figure. Her brown hair reaches between her shoulder blades and she has blue eyes. Vincent on the other hand is more taut and defined. His muscles are well-developed and lack the roundness that, for instance, Dante had. He is as usual clean-shaven and has short black hair and green eyes. Both your parents do a lot of exercising and sports together to keep in shape and it shows. Because of that you often see your father in tight sports gear, like compression shorts, when they go for a run or to the local sports club. Hiding little, you also know that you probably got your fat cock and hot ass from your father.

You also know that your parents have an active sex life. How? Your room is next to theirs. And they may try to be silent when going at it while you're home, but you can still hear most of their moaning and gasping in your room. Not that you mind too much. Your dad just went into the kitchen to get himself something to drink. Standing at the sink, he pours himself a glass of tap water, when his phone begins to ring. While he looks at the message he just received, he takes a sip from the glass, but suddenly spews it against the kitchen window in obvious shock. Your mother comes up to him.

"Everything alright, dear? Something wrong?"

He quickly shuts off his phone and hurriedly puts it away.

"Uh, no ... no, everything's fine, honey. I just choked a bit, don't worry."

You are quite sure that that wasn't the case the way he had looked, but your mom relaxes again and goes back to reading a magazine on the couch.

"I'll be at my desk, okay?"

"Sure, I'll call you, when I start to prepare dinner."

With that your dad, who was acting really weird, went upstairs into their bedroom. You are wondering what could have surprised him like that and why he wouldn't want to tell your mother. You could try to find out what he is doing.

Do you?

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