Katie doesn't lose her dress, but something else bad happens

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Condition Pissed Off and Lost Apparel and Items: Damp White Sundress, Damp Small White Panties, Sandals
Day, Time Thursday
Need to Bathroom Unknown
Level of Humiliation Unknown

What happened next absolutely shocked Katie. As she flailed about, she accidentally smacked the door of her car, slamming it shut and locking it. To make matters worse, a torrential downpour chose that moment to start, pelting everything with heavy droplets.

Katie finally fetched up against a rock some two dozen feet downhill from her car, yelping in pain as the impact winded her. She lay there a moment, catching her breath, before gingerly clambering back to her feet on the slippery hill. She looked around herself, but the thick fog reduced her visibility to all of twenty feet or so. She was stuck out here, lost, with no idea if anyone lived in the hills or not. At least no one she knew was out here. Even though that may be more of a curse than a blessing at the moment, she took some small comfort in being so far from everyone else at this moment.

Looking down at herself, she was rather surprised to see she still had all of her clothing. Her dress was torn in a few spots, and had a few muddy blotches on it, but was still intact. The heavy rain was turning it transparent rather quickly, though. She could already make out her nipples through the damp material, two hard buds pressing against the thin fabric of her dress.

She decided to try her luck with her car, and climbed back up the hill, her sandal-clad feet sliding in the mud. She nearly lost one of her sandals, as her foot slipped against the smooth, wet leather, and nearly out of it, before making it back to the road. Trying the doors, she found them all locked, meaning she couldn't get into the trunk.

Shivering as the cold rain soaked through her dress, she weighed her limited options. The road seemed like it was hardly used, and she'd have little, if any, warning of approaching vehicles. It was probably her best bet of salvation, though. On the other hand...what if someone like that mechanic found her out here? Not everyone was a "knight in shining armor," and she didn't exactly have the best of luck with people. Outside of waiting at the car, she could chance backtracking down the road, the way she came, or further up it. There was also cutting through the woods, if she was crazy enough. That, at least, would give her a bit of cover against the rain.

Wait with her car

Set off up the road into the hills

Start backtracking the way she came

Risk trekking through the woods

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