Tell them to run

From Create Your Own Story

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You gulp and point your rifle at the contestants.

"Listen up."

The ragged slaves all turn towards you, their hands bloodied and scars on their face. They look terrified and weak; it appears as if they haven't had any water or food for days.

"None of you want to be here, right?"

It takes a few seconds, but one of the slaves slowly nods their head, followed by others.

You nod in reply. "Good. My name is [name here]. And you have to run while you can."

Slowly but surely, the slaves start crawling out of the door, unable to walk as they are so tired. Some collapse to the floor entirely, begging for water and for their wounds to be healed.

You wait for the last slave to exit, but she turns around and heads back toward you, grabbing your shoulder.

"Follow me," she says. "I have something to show you."

Do you...

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