
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:38, 7 October 2015 by Zaick (Talk | contribs)
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First, Zelda had to take off her boots, then her stockings, which she did while facing a corner, though still lending her backside to the two. She also took off the fishnet shirt, which meant she had to take off her normal shirt - left naked, it was strange feeling. Slightly uncontrolled. She was not a fan. She tried not to think about it. Selena left her scraps of pinned pants at Zelda's feet, and she put it over her waist. Selena was larger than she was, and she had to one by one work on the pins to try and put keep the waist line smaller. Selena was also taller, and so she had to shorten the pants, but realized then the legs would be incredibly uneven. On her left leg, the pant leg was only the waist band area itself, but on the right, it went down almost to her knee. It was not exactly what she was looking for, especially with her left leg entirely on display, but it would have to do.

Lulu was given her attire. She tied the stockings around her chest while facing away from the others, put on the fishnet shirt as insurance, then kept trying to pull up her dress. It was staying on fine as it was, but with it loose and the straps out of commission, things might end up in trouble.

Considering the length the two were going, too much time began to pass. Ali rounded the corner and threw an extra large plastic cup of water at them, and it hit Selena in the back, the water splashing on the rest of them. "Come on!" Ali shouted. "It's been longer than a song for you all!"

Selena shifted her shirt back into place and flipped Ali off. "Let's go!" She said, and made her way outside. Her chest was still bouncing, and her legs were completely visible - her thong underwear accentuating the curves of her body. She sat at the drums and blew a kiss out to the audience who began to cheer again.

Lulu went out next. Her dress was slightly wet, which was not the worst, but it did sit a bit heavier on her now. She felt it would be fine - it had to be, and smiled warmly to the audience as if no fight had ever happened.

Zelda was out next, which the cheering roared louder. Everyone was wanting to see what she would be looking like now. Any confidence she had in the plan was ruined after the first few steps outside. Her shirt was wet, which was fine as it was black, but still clung to the top of her chest to round across her breasts. Her pants kept feeling like they rode lower and lower. The scraps that pinned to her were broken along the waist band, the crotch, and part of the right side of the pant leg. It swung loose, not used to the smaller lady, and shifted up and down her hip bones. There were no buttons or zipper for the fly, just more pins that shook as she walked. So far it was high enough to work like normal pants, covering all of her butt, and only dipping a couple inches below her navel, but she kept feeling like it would go lower.

The song began, and it actually went incredibly well. The climax would feature a ton of pink streamer engulfing the stage and the front of the audience from air cannons, which they would use as a short moment between pieces while holding excitement. All five played to their best for most of the way, until Selena began to lag behind. Her shirt was wet, and the sleeves had lowered further along her arms. Without anything on the shoulders, it worked solely as a wide neck line, and showed more and more of her cleavage. That far back, it made no difference, but it was getting harder and harder to push against the wet, crumpling fabric. The moment the ribbons went flying, she took a second to move her arms out of the arm holes. To keep the shirt held up, she tied the small sleeve bits behind her back. It shortened the shirt enough to expose her belly, as well as to frame her chest more under its wetness, but she did not mind.

Lulu had a minor issue was well. The moment she lifted her violin up, she felt the strain across broadening her shoulders break the rest of the dress' zipper in the back. It would not fall yet, but when the piece ended and she moved her hands down, she felt the dress sit lower than her chest. She tried to pull the dress up, but it only sat back lower than it was before. It looked strange, if anything, and she decided to simply tuck the top of the dress downward, so it would look more like a high waisted skirt. At least then it would look like she meant this to happen. With three layers of albeight wet fishnet on her chest, nothing was truly noticeable, but all her shoulder movement did cause a bit of issue to the tied stockings.

Zelda had the worst time. She kept up her energy, but also kept trying to keep herself grounded. Too much movement felt like it would send her pants sprawling across the floor. With so many rehearsals, Zelda hardly had to focus on her music - she just focused on the feeling of the pants swaying on her body. The feeling she had when she was naked backstage - for no one, but still in such a public place. The ribbons burst into the air, and it surprised her. The song had ended. She had even sung it. She stumbled slightly and fell in front of the crowd, just at the edge of the stage. They were holding out to her. They wanted to carry her again while they grabbed for those ribbons. They were excited - everything was going so well... But last time she was carried it ended a little poorly. Now, she was wearing barely anything! But... Being a little not in control could be nice? She could jump in again, or stay in control and carry on to the next song.

Wearing wet short t-shirt, pinned many times broken pants (too large)
Mood Feeling strange... Something New
Inventory Guitar, unused packet of fake blood
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