Chase after Ellie

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:39, 24 September 2015 by Geoffreyatln (Talk | contribs)
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You follow ellie into the mobile home jut in time to hear her ask whos the jerk just as a man in a white suit and a straw hat walks up from the kitchen he simles cunningly my name is john hammond you both look wide eyed recognizing him as the financier of the site allan comes in and shakes his hand hammond smiles delighted to meet you all he gets to the point why he came I need dc expert minds and oppinions or my latest project its going to be a theme park of sorts as well as a biological preserve alla looks on what kind of park is this hammond replies well its rght up your alley ellie and allan look at each other well this isnt the right time to which he replies well how bout if I finance the dig for another 3 years you all havea jaw drop moment ellie replies so wheres the plane hammond smiles and looks over at you your welcome to join us ofcourse could use as many people as I can get im in

Ill consider it

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