
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:58, 14 September 2015 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

I have started quite a few stories. I like to work on a lot of stories simultaneously, because I am easily bored. I am currently working on:

Always happy to have writers contribute to this story.
Always happy to have writers contribute to this story as well.
I'm looking for one or two very skilled writers to help me with this story. Quality is key on this; it borders on literature. Good storytelling and knowledge of, and/or instinct for, plot and character development are a must.

I am no longer actively writing:

Abandoned. It's just too hard to do in this format, so I'm making it in Twine with the SugarCube Header. But of course you won't be able to get that here.
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