Piggy's Day/Close the window

From Create Your Own Story

< Piggy's Day
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You slam the window shut instantly.

Piggy: "This is too weird for me! I'll have to go check outside to see if the house looks like this on all sides."

You run off to the front door, which, for some reason, has become the size of an air hangar. The door is slightly ajar, and you manage to get through. The street, in contrast, is miniature size. At the door, you come across your doctor, who is now the size of your arm.

Doctor: "Oh, hi Piggy."

Piggy: "You gotta help me doctor, my house is 10 kilometers high and everything else is shrinking!"

Doctor: "Right. You see, Piggy, I came to tell you that your test results from two days ago came back, and you have Todd's syndrome. Also known as "Alice in Wonderland syndrome", it has radical effects on your perception."

You stare at your doctor, who has now grown to the size of a tree, with wide eyes.

Piggy: "Oh, wow, this is trippy. I should listen to The Dark Side of The Moon again."

Doctor: "You can listen to psychedelic rock all you want later. Right now, we need to get you to surgery."

An ambulance takes you to the Los Angeles Medical Centre. Surgery is begun in a few hours. Accompanied by an assistant, the doctor first cuts an opening in your stomach.

Assistant: "Wait - didn't you say he had a mental illness?"

Doctor: "Oh, crap."

Assistant. "What do we do now? He might sue us for malpractice."

Doctor: "We could just end the operation now, when no damage has been done and reschedule, or we could fix his illness first and leave this huge scar on his belly, and then hope he won't sue us."

What happens, is:

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