
From Create Your Own Story

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"Fine." You say shortly. "Just look away."

Glued to the floor by his shorts, Wes obliges, though can only really look upward to look away, his whole body angled well toward you. You sigh and first remove your hoodie. You set it to the side where it is not wet and begin to take off your bra. Wes is completely silent, and you look back again to make sure he is not looking. He isn't. You look back to the bucket and undo the bra, putting it in one hand. With your chest hanging in the air, you feel a little hot. Wes is right behind you, and you are topless. You grab the hoodie and put it back on. The zipper still does not work.

You sigh and hear sounds coming closer. You feel Wes move slightly and you look back. He is trying to figure out what is happening as well. "Maybe hurry." He whispers.

You hold the bra and fling it to the bucket, then pull back. At the third try, the shoulder strap catches the edge of the bucket's handle and is pulled down to you. There is another clatter when it falls, and the water rushes across both of you.

Wes gets up immediately and moves to the next room, brushing his trunks as he goes. "Come on!" He whispers and opens the door, looking through. He does not look at you, which you think is rather sweet. He would know your bra still is not on. Holding the hoodie together, you take a moment to swing yourself around and grab the bag. You hold it up and put your feet down, your leggings wet, but free. You figure they will be a bit strangely stiff later.

Then you realize you are still stuck.

The water only worked a moment, but the glue is resealed again, this time to something different. Your bra, not picked up after toppling the bucket, is stuck to the ground. Most your leggings and hoodie are free, as you are just sitting, but sitting means your butt is stuck. Most of your leggings are fine, except the area that was already a bit torn around your butt. Under that, your panties are stuck to the ground.

You hear the noises again, much closer. You can also hear Wes coming back to see you - not wanting to be seen like this, you wiggle yourself forward and take out the knife. You cut your own panties off your waist, as well as the leggings around your waist, leaving the rest on your legs like thigh highs, loosely gripped. You leave the remains of the clothes on the ground and look up just in time to see Wes coming back to the door.

You still have the knife in your hand, but you are slightly bent forward from just standing up and holding the bag. You know your chest is slightly hanging forward, the nipples at either side of the broken zipper. Your collar, to in between your chest, all the way down to your stomach are visible. The only thing saving your crotch from exposure is the closed, broken part at the bottom that keeps the hoodie from flaying open at all times.

Wes looks away immediately. "Get in here." He whispers the wrong direction. He looks a little flush.

You move to the door, holding the bag and your hoodie closed. You can feel the edge of the hoodie against the bottom curve of your butt. The hoodie is only long enough to catch just the edge of it, and all of your thighs are exposed nearly up to your crotch. You keep the hoodie held together, passing the bag to Wes. He takes it without looking at you, and you use your other hand to hold down the front of your hoodie to get a few more inches, although that pulls up the back end just slightly. You can feel it an inch or so up your curve, but ignore it. No one is behind you now.

The ground in front of you does not look stable, but Wes points to stairs at the far end - where you need to go regardless. Up. The sounds behind you are now in the room you were just in, so you have to choose quickly what to do. You could go to the stairs, or you could simply hide - there is a wardrobe just to your left, and you know you can make it there.

Wearing wet Black hoodie with zipper broken up-front down to navel, boots, wet ripped black thigh highs
Mood Dissapointed in Self, rushed, exposed
Inventory (with Wes) knife, bag of 10 cans of paint, rope, pepperspray
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