
From Create Your Own Story

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You take off running. You can not move incredibly fast - your lack of boots hold you from that, but still, you move away from the sound of the people. You think you may be able to come back later, hoping no one finds your things, and get clothes, but also dismiss that idea - you already do not know where you are.

As you move, your dress bobs up and down with your own chest, though you see no indication your entire breast would pop out - if only because it is so wet. You feel the clunking inside the bag of all the broken boxes sloshing around. As you run, you bring your attention to it, but at the wrong time - you trip over a small hill.

Tumbling a few feet is not bad, but you find yourself with the bag wrapped around your shoulder and chest as it was, with the back end wrapped around a stump. Below you is a pond, which would be fine in terms of dangerousness in case you actually fell down the rest of the hill, if you did not see that in the middle of the pond are two fishermen. They have not noticed you, but they could at any point simply turn their heads to all the movement you make. At fifty yards or so away, you would be simple enough to spot.

The hill is rather steep, hence you falling, but since you are attacked to the stump you initially think climbing would be best, though that choice is made for you as the end of the bag separates from the strap around your chest, and you, the strap, and the bag, roll further down the hill.

The sound the boxes make are loud, crashing and sending glass and metal around dangerously. The end of the hill meets a slight drop toward the pond, but you suddenly come to a halt. You hear a rip, and feel a pressure along your thighs, then your hips. You feel behind you and realize your dress has caught a branch, keeping you from falling into the pond, but it is pressing hard against your body as gravity continues to force your dangling self downward. You grip the small cliff, slowing the process, but feel both the seams on the side of the dress slowly ripping, as well as the dress itself riding itself up your leg. Already it is half way up your thigh, and the more your struggle your legs, the faster it rides up.

Knowing you have nothing underneath, you use your other hand to cover your crotch. You initially also keep the dress pulled down with the hand, but immediately feel the strain grow incredibly strong, and the rips on the sides zip up to your ribcage. You let it go, and immediately regret it, as the dress continues to ride up higher as you sink lower down toward the pond. You look forward and see the two fisherman have indeed noticed you, there, hanging at the edge of the cliff in only a transparent sundress riding up yourself. Already your legs are completely on show, your hips around your hand visible. Your arm is in front of your stomach, and your hand cupping your vagina.

"Hold on!" One fisherman says, as they are now rowing toward you, but you don't want them to. You don't want any of this!

The dress continues to ride slowly up your stomach, now practically to your ribcage.

"We'll get beside you! It'll be okay!" The other says.

They are not moving all too quickly - you know if you just stay still, the dress will move to your chest, and you won't be able to cover it while still keeping up on the cliff! Still, some help would be appreciated, but not like this! Otherwise, you could just fall. You would have to fall anyway. Let go of the cliff, let the dress come off you as you cover yourself, fall into the water, and figure it out from there. You are going to be naked in the water either way, you shudder to think as the dress pulls up to the bottom curve of your breasts.

Wearing Transparent beige sundress currently riding up to the bottom of your breasts, intent on moving further upward by the second. Bottomless aside from a hand.
Mood Incredibly embarrassed and covering your crotch!
Inventory wet net in the water, long scrap of dress fabric in the water
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