
From Create Your Own Story

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You ignore the man and duck back into the bushes quickly. You do spend the extra time to direct the sharp points away from your dress, and return yourself to the butterfly, only to see an empty cocoon. Newborns do not fly too quickly away, but there was a lot of commotion. You know it would not have gone far! You see it then flying, now at the other side toward the garden! You take the net and swiftly move toward it, only to be seen exiting the other side of the bushes where the man and his dog are.

You freeze, looking at him, and he back to you, tracing the sides of your slip. You decide to just move on your own business, but are stuck, yet again. You look behind yourself to see the end of your slip has caught the bushes rather nastily, and while you pull, you feel it press down against your chest - the right strap of the slip is also loose! Though your sundress is still on, the entire right side is completely open. The counterweight of the bushes pulling and you turning to realize this cause you to trip forward, and you feel the slip whisked downward from your body, your hat falling off again.

You land on your side and hear the dog begin to get antsy again. The man calms the dog down, but is still just staring at you. You look to see the slip has pulled down to your waist, still stuck to the bushes. Your dress is on you the same as it was, but the slit on your right side going to your armpit has opened up the exposure of your ribs, and your right breast, pushing against gravity. The dress stops itself from exposing you by catching your nipple, the very very far end of your areolae visible hopefully only to yourself.

"Um, need help?" The man asks as you cover your chest with a hand. You pull at the slip with the other, shaking the bushes violently. The dog continues to growl.

"No." You say, only wanting him to go away. You sit up to allow yourself better cover, and get out of the slip entirely, it doing you no favors now. Able to stand, you keep the dress closed with one hand and continue to pull at the slip with the other. Bent over, you realize more cleavage is on show now from the broken strap.

The dog breaks from the owner's hand and moves to your side. You catch yourself from falling as it grasps your hip with its paws, trying to jump up at you. You feel your dress pulling against your chest from the weight and keep your hand there. The man begins to yell and moves to contain the dog, and the dog moves to your right, free side in order to get away, still pressed against you with its body.

The man grabs the back of the dog, scolding, and pulls the dog back. The dog's paws brush against your skin, not hurting you, but when it loses contact with you it paws again, its claw catching your panties. With one solid pull from the man, the panties snap back to you from the dog's claw, but they fall down the length of your legs, the elastic broken. You quickly grab both the area around the hip of the slit of your dress, as well as keeping your arm around both your breasts and catching the slit at the height of your chest.

"I'm so sorry, uh, I just - I'm sorry!" The man says. "I'll get you a new, uh, I mean, I can get you home, I just, whatever you..."

Incredibly embarrassed, you note you two are not the only ones in the park. There are a few others, though a bit farther away, here. You could actually take the creepy man's help, though you do not really want it, to go home, but on the other hand, with so many here, and the state your in, you have half a mind to simply run home yourself. Forget all of this.

Wearing Beige sundress with left strap broken and right side torn completely open to armpit, boots
Mood Creeped out, incredible potential embarrassment, pantiless and feeling exposed
Inventory Bag of boxes and pins, water bottle, butterfly catching net
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