From Create Your Own Story

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Message from Whisper 119:

Congratulations and welcome to Tower Prep, CJ Ward!

You are likely already aware that I have been watching you develop your skills since you were born. Your father has decided that you are ready to enter the program this year and he'll brief you on your role soon if he hasn't already. You are already aware of your ability to read people "like a book" to know exactly what they're thinking based on various facial ticks and tells. Your ideal roommate has already been selected since your abilities are very compatible. You are loyal to your family and also very social. However, due to the nature of the secrets you'll be keeping, you'll need to watch what you say around your friends. You are very good at keeping your head down and fitting in so as not to draw undo attention to yourself. You want to find true love, but I advise against searching for such love at Tower Prep. You'll need to focus on your studies and improving your ability if your mission is to succeed. I anticipate continuing to monitor your development over the next four years.

Year: First

Ability: Mind-Reader

Roommates: Suki Sato

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