AOTC: Padmé Amidala 3rd: Approach to Coruscant

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Padmé Amidala

With the arrival at Coruscant approaching, Padmé dresses in her flight gear and joins Typho, Jok and Porro Dolphe, all similarly dressed. The four pilots make for their N-1 starfighters slung under the cruiser's broad wings, entering the sleek starfighters via docking tubes. Warming up her borrowed vessel, Padmé silently wishes Cordé good luck, and disengages from the cruiser as the tunnel of hyperspace fades away, and the great orb of Coruscant appears ahead.

Forming up with her squadron, Padmé flicks the comm switch, broadcasting to her fellow pilots. "Gold Three checking in."

"Gold Leader reporting in." That was Typho, flying ahead of the formation. Dolpe and Jok chimed in, the latter adding: "Gold Three's starboard pulse engine is listing. Recommend she has someone give her intakes a good seeing to."

Padmé smiles, correcting her vessel as Typho requests her to shape up. She's well aware of Jok's meaning; she met the flyboy during a flying lesson on Naboo three days ago, and is under no illusions about exactly which "intakes" he's referring to. The incognito senator also knows that Jok himself would like to be the one to see to her.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Padmé Amidala
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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