AOTC: Padmé Amidala 3rd: Royal Cruiser

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Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo

Since completing her second term as Queen and moving onto the galactic political stage as the Senator of Naboo and the Chommell sector, Padmé Amidala has become a divisive figure in the great Galactic Republic. On the one hand her liberal speech-making and fierce stand for the democratic parties has earned her powerful and dangerous enemies among mercenaries of the underworld and the greedy commerce guilds; however, her impassioned missions of mercy and angelic appearances in the Senate Rotunda have made her a highly respected, trusted and desired woman throughout the Republic.

Now, she is returning to Coruscant from her homeworld of Naboo in the company of many of her loyal protectors, intending to vote against the Military Creation Act that would see a standing army darken the Republic's door for the first time in a thousand years. Traveling aboard her chromium-plated J-type diplomatic barge, Padmé has a complement of Royal Security Guards with her, led by Captain Typho, and is intending on using the loyal Cordé as her decoy for landing on the galactic capital; already threats and assassination attempts have left Padmé cautious, for she knows her enemies will stop at nothing to see her defeated, humiliated... or worse.

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Padmé Amidala
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