AOTC: Anakin Skywalker: Take lessons with Shaak Ti

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Anakin Skywalker

You wait in your quarters until the Council adjourns its session, then apprehensively take the walk to the Council Members' chambers in the High Council spire, and nervously stand outside Shaak Ti's quarters for some time. Finally, you press the chime, and a singsong voice bids you enter through the black door.

The dark, hexagonal chamber is as spartan as your own quarters, furnished only with three metallic meditation pads and a sleep couch. Soft blue light streams in from the blinds, illuminating the exotic figure of Master Ti as she sits cross-legged on one of the raised silver platforms, eyes closed. "Skywalker," she says, releasing a long, calming breath. "You are having, how shall we phrase it... girl trouble?"

You stammer several attempts at a reply. "Hush, don't fret," the Togruta soothes, opening her pearlescent eyes. "It's quite all right. I understand. And I am here to help." She bids you sit on the meditation pad next to her. You adopt a similar, cross-legged pose, finding yourself only a few inches away from the sharp lines of her sculpted face. "You care for this Senator Amidala, I gather?"

"I... I mean to say, that is..." you begin, then catch Ti's wry look. "Yes," you finish quietly. "I do."

"Good," she smiles. "That makes things much more straight-forward. Now, I want you to imagine I am your lovely young senator—I imagine she has rather more headroom than I," the Togruta adds pointedly, "but use your imagination."

"Sure," you say, a little thrown.

"So. Seduce me," says Shaak Ti, "as if you are seducing the Senator of Naboo."

You gulp.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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