Blade Quest- Ranger

From Create Your Own Story

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You stand perfectly still in the center of the clearing, attuning yourself to the sounds of the forest around you, listening for anything that might give away the position of Master Yitari. This is not an easy task considering the fact that your teacher is training in the art of silent movement and is wearing a special patterned cloak, identical to yours, that helps him blend into the undergrowth of the forest. Master Yitari has instructed you to ascertain his location and throw your dagger as close as you can to where you think he is hiding. It is practice for your detection and knife-throwing skills and a test of his evasion skills. You have learned a lot in the last three months, but you doubt you'll get close enough to actually hit your master.

A branch snaps to your right at the same time as a dark shape darts through the trees in front of you. You have a split second to decide. If you hesitate too long, he might move and be far from either of the places you suspect he's hiding. You only get one shot.

Health 100 Equipment:

Boots, Tunic, Pants, Camouflage Cloak, Dagger, Longbow, 20 Arrows

MP None
Level None
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